Complete The (Short) Story (2) ✍🏽

Perhaps it was a dream, she thought. Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up. But she didn’t want to wake up. She wanted to stay in this dream world where _____________

everything was seemingly sweet like sugar. Love was even sweeter because she was lost in the presence of her true lover. Something she had yet to find in her reality. Here she was in her dreams melting like hot butter being spread on rolls straight out the oven. Butterflies all in her stomach and her skin had a glow that could be seen without having to be in the dark. So, this is what real love feels like, she thought. I want to stay in this dream forever. Soaking up all of this love and giving so much back in return. She always believed in reciprocity. Kiss on my neck and I’ll kiss on yours. Stimulate my mind and I’ll stimulate yours. Give me your heart and I’ll give you mine. 

She always had a hard time getting that from past lovers. It was almost like pulling teeth and she had never gone to school to become a dentist. She wanted that love that was effortless. That love that just swept you off your feet without the presence of a physical broom. That explosion of joy in your heart that feels like a silent boom. That type of love that felt as natural as a beautiful black woman. Basking in all its glory and wearing herself as proud as she could be. This dream was everything she was missing in real life. That euphoria type of feeling whenever her eyes locked with her lovers. Getting lost in passion whenever they were both under covers. 

Floating on cloud nine whenever their fingers were intertwined. That sense of peace of never having to wonder if ______ were all mine. As she tried her hardest not to open her eyes because she didn’t want this dream to end anytime soon, her alarm clock soon went off and she jumped up. With a smile on her face that soon turned to real tears because she realized, looking over at the other side of the bed, that her true lover was never here. She really was dreaming and now she had opened her eyes back up to her nightmare. As she gets ready to start her day, she can only hope that a true love will soon come her way.

Title - Sweet Dreams - Ashley Chimere 
