Character Conversations (1)

Featuring Scooby and Missy
Setting: Phone Conversation

Scooby: What’s up pretty lady?
Missy: Hey boo.
Scooby: I thought you told me we were going to hang out today?
Missy: Yeah, we were but I had sent you a text when I woke up saying we need to take a rain check because I’m not feeling well. You didn’t get it?
Scooby: No, I didn’t get anything. My phone has been acting up lately so maybe that’s why. 
Missy: Oh, I see. Yeah because it says it was delivered on my end at 8:03am
Scooby: Yeah, that’s weird. I didn’t get anything. But I’m sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. What’s wrong?
Missy: It’s just that Monica time of the month.
Scooby: Huh, who is Monica?
Missy: lol, you know Monica the singer. Her song Just One of Them Days, you know, that a girl goes through, hint, hint.
Scooby: lol I got you. Well I know you don’t feel like going out but do you need anything? I can bring you some tea or food or something.
Missy: Aren’t you a sweetheart. Hmm, well, I have some tea here already but I could eat lol. I don’t really feel like cooking anything.
Scooby: Okay, what you got a taste for?
Missy: I’ve been craving some wings and mozzarella sticks from Hooters lately. I can give you the money back when you get here.
Scooby: That actually does sound pretty good. And no worries. It’s my treat pretty lady.
Missy: Have I told you lately that you are just an awesome human being?  Like everyone needs a you lol
Scooby: Women think anyone who buys them food is awesome lol
Missy: There actually may be some truth to that lol
Scooby: Okay, let me get off here so I can call in this order so it’ll be ready when I pick it up. Anything else you want?
Missy: Now that I think about it, can you also pick me up some chocolate ice cream, some Oreo cookies and some hot Cheetos?
Scooby: damn girl is Mother Nature sure you aren’t pregnant? 
Missy lol you so silly. It’s just cravings you know, well you wouldn’t know but, you know how it is.
Scooby: Ha! Yeah, this isn’t my first time being there for a woman going through her “I hate being a woman right now cycle”
Missy and Scooby: LOL

End Scene – Creator – Ashley Chimere
